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This Direct Mail Company Has Remote Job Openings for You

Traditional mail is alive and well, folks.

digital envelope with colorful 3d hearts on a pink background

If you think snail mail and paper postcards have gone the way of the dodo, think again!

Far from being extinct, traditional mail continues to be relevant in several industries today. Direct mail—the business of sending advertising materials to a target audience—is alive and kicking. Though online methods of marketing have gotten more and more sophisticated, direct mail still gets the job done in the 21st century.

Want another sign of life? There are real jobs to be had in this industry. Some of these are even of the work-from-home type!

If you’re interested in earning an income in this niche, be sure to check out PostPilot. One of America’s leading names in direct mail, PostPilot has a number of remote job openings that it needs to fill urgently.

Don’t worry, you won’t be licking stamps for $5 an hour. Rather, you will be working full-fledged jobs from the comfort of your home.

More on PostPilot

PostPilot is the brainchild of Drew Sanocki and Michael Epstein, both seasoned pros in the eCommerce game.

For all the marketing strategies employed by their companies, Sanocki and Epstein were always huge fans of the direct mail approach. So, when the duo acquired a software platform in 2019, they saw an opportunity to take direct mail to the next level.

The platform was called PostPilot, and with this venture, Sanocki and Epstein were set to make waves in the marketing industry. In 2021, the company officially entered the direct mail arena.

At present, the bread and butter of PostPilot is its colorful array of postcards. Coming in three sizes, they are sent out to the target audiences of PostPilot’s clients. What makes these postcards so special is the personal touch—in more ways than one.

For starters, each detail of the postcard conveys the identity of the client company. The color palette, layout, and imagery eloquently showcase the branding so that each postcard recipient knows exactly what is being sold to them.

In addition, the postcards bear the name of the recipient—a subtle touch to make them feel that the company is engaging with them. Thanks to the cutting-edge technology at its disposal, PostPilot is able to efficiently produce thousands of postcards for its wide client base.

Sustainable solutions AND remote jobs? Awesome!

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That sounds like an awful lot of paper consumption, but don’t you worry: PostPilot is 100% committed to sustainable solutions. The company uses recycled materials in its production process, and it only sources paper from mills that have been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. As a matter of fact, PostPilot has established key partnerships with organizations to ensure that twice the number of trees used for PostPilot supplies will be planted.

An outstanding marketing company that does its bit for the environment? Now that sounds like an awesome employer to work for!

Here’s something else that makes the world a greener place: less air pollution. By taking on a work-from-home job at this company, you don’t have to directly or indirectly contribute to the emission of harmful gasses from transport vehicles. That’s a win-win situation right there: You get to earn a living while also helping relieve the burden on our planet.

Ready to jump into the direct mail industry? Click here to view the job openings at PostPilot and here to find out more about this vibrant company.

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