So, you’re an experienced editor with a passion for polishing written content. You have a keen eye for detail and a strong work ethic, always delivering on time. You’re also in search of a remote work opportunity. If so, we have discovered an exciting one for you: Wordvice is looking to expand its team of editors.
Wordvice in brief
Launched in 2013, Wordvice specializes in editing and proofreading services, with a main focus on academic content and admissions documents. Its professionals are trained to preserve an author’s voice and underlying message while refining technical and organizational aspects of the writing. Whether it’s academic papers, research articles, admissions essays, theses, books, or business content, Wordvice strives to ensure the highest level of quality for its ESL clients.
What does the job entail?
As a freelance editor at Wordvice, your primary responsibility will be to edit and proofread various documents for grammar, mechanics, and flow while retaining the original meaning. You will also provide comments that explain some of your revisions and communicate directly with clients to address any questions or concerns they may have.
What sets Wordvice apart is its commitment to editor growth and skill-building. It provides ongoing training, feedback, and comprehensive editor guidelines, allowing you to constantly improve and learn how to best serve ESL clients.
Are you qualified for this job?
To be eligible for this position, you should have native fluency in English and at least two years of professional editing experience. Wordvice also requires that you have completed a graduate degree program or that you are currently enrolled in one. Familiarity with various formatting styles (for example, APA, AMA, MLA, and Chicago) is essential, as is a high level of proficiency in MS Word and strong technical writing skills.
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Your chances of getting hired will increase if you have worked for a professional editing company and have an educational background or experience in a biomedical or natural science field, especially if it’s medicine or engineering.
What about pay?
Wordvice is constantly expanding its client base, so it enjoys a steady inflow of orders and provides its editors with consistent work and the potential to earn more based on their performance.
As a freelance editor for Wordvice, you will have the freedom to set your availability and workload. Your compensation will be based on the word count of the document and the turnaround time. There are no pay details per se provided by the company, but when you apply for this job, you will be asked to specify what compensation you expect.
How do you apply?
If you feel this editor job is for you, click here to start the application process. You will have to submit your resume and take a test that involves completing an editing sample. Once your sample has been evaluated, you will receive an email notifying you of the results. Go ahead and seize this opportunity to build a rewarding career as an editor at Wordvice!