When we think of shortage, we think of resources like food, water, and cash that communities around the world are in dire need of.
What about, say, blood?
In January 2023, non-profit organization Vitalant declared a shortage of emergency blood supplies all across the United States. How bad was it? As per Colorado’s KKTV, “The blood supply for nearly 1,000 hospitals nationwide has dipped to the lowest level in a year.”
With so many Americans in need of blood transfusions, this shortage has major implications for healthcare services. If only there were some way to motivate people to donate blood…
Actually, there are ways. A lot of them. Let’s look at this as a win-win situation: You offer some much-needed blood, and soon, you get perks or cash. In some cases, you’ll be on the receiving end of both!
Now that should get your blood pumping!
Who needs your blood?
Let’s be clear about this: The incentives for donating blood aren’t like the candy handed to you by your dentist when you were seven. It’s quite alright, dear. Here’s a lollipop for being such a good sport!
In that particular situation, you got a freebie simply because you made it through a distressing experience. With today’s blood drives, incentives are put in place because your blood donations can help other people make it through serious, even life-threatening situations.
According to the American Red Cross, people who depend heavily on blood donations include:
- Cancer patients
- Trauma patients
- Sickle cell patients
- Burn patients
- Patients with chronic diseases
Understand that the demand for blood is a daily issue facing healthcare providers. However, securing blood contributions became even more difficult when the COVID-19 pandemic drastically changed our way of life. KKTV reported that business-hosted blood drives were down by as much as 50% since 2019. Vitalant itself has seen a 20% drop in the number of blood donors since the onset of the pandemic.
In light of that, blood collection organizations (in partnership with various establishments) have ramped up the incentives for blood donors. Check out these cool perks below, and make sure you head out without delay to the nearest blood drive!
What are the perks of donating blood?
Here are three organizations that offer cash and freebies to kind-hearted souls willing to part with their blood:
- American Red Cross
If you donate blood from March 1 to March 31, you’ll get your hands on a $10 Visa card. Plus, you’ll have a chance to win a $3,000 prepaid Visa card.
Here’s a special offer for high school students: As a reward for organizing blood drives during the summer of 2023, the Red Cross will offer gift cards as well as the chance to win a college scholarship!
Just updated: 50+ Ways to Make Money (including 30+ work from home jobs)
More ways to make money:
FlexJobs – Find remote and flexible jobs in over 50 career fields from all over the world.
Swagbucks – Earn free gifts and cash-back rebates by searching the web, playing games, watching videos, shopping, and more.
Writers Work – Find freelance writing jobs and publish your articles, all while working from home.
Public.com – Get free stock just for signing up for this investment app.
Speaking of organizing events, Vitalant has something sweet for folks who will set up a platelet drive. In exchange for inviting a total of eight friends to a “party” at a collection center, Vitalant will hand out gift cards and other perks. (These freebies, mind you, will go out to the organizer and all the participants.)
Servicing a number of areas in Florida, this blood donation center will offer you two tickets to an Orlando Magic game in exchange for your blood. If you’ve donated multiple times, OneBlood will give you points that can eventually net you some gift cards and merchandise.
Lastly, if you specifically donate platelets six times before March 31, you can claim $420 in eGift cards.
Is it fun to get free stuff? Sure. Is it fulfilling to contribute something that can literally save lives? That’s even better. By donating blood at the next blood drive in your neck of the woods, you can sample both tangible and intangible delights!