Remember that episode of Dexter’s Laboratory where the boy genius had to review for a French exam? Being the exceptional inventor he is, Dexter used a contraption that played recordings in French while he slept. Thanks to this device, the language was supposed to be effortlessly imprinted on Dexter’s brain.
Silly, huh? What’s even sillier is that Dexter ended up learning—and endlessly repeating—a single French phrase! As a result, millennials around the world have learned to say “omelette du fromage” with gusto.
This type of learning experience rightfully belongs in the cartoon realm because, in reality, no piece of technology can speed up language acquisition. As millions of English tutors know all too well, the key to language learning is good old-fashioned human interaction. (Cleverly designed conversational activities won’t hurt, either.)
Are you an English language teacher looking to shake up your career? Look no further because we’ve found just the platform for you!
Cambly, an edtech company focused on English language learning, is in search of freelance English tutors to bolster its ranks. By joining the Cambly team, you’ll get to deploy your teaching expertise and contribute to the personal and academic development of learners across the globe.
More on Cambly
Anyone looking at Cambly’s worldwide success could make the assumption that a teacher or two came up with this idea—perhaps an ESL tutor or a seasoned educator who decided to make the most of the convenience technology offers.
That assumption, however, would be incorrect. Cambly is the brainchild of two engineers with some practical experience with language learning.
Samir Shariff and Kevin Law had some things in common. For one, they shared the same workplace on a couple of occasions. (Most notably, they’d been colleagues at Google.) Also—and more importantly—international travel taught both Shariff and Law that language development is best facilitated by conversations in authentic social settings.
While working for a San Francisco-based startup, the duo decided to plant the seeds of a language-learning venture. The engineer pals collaborated on a simple app that would allow users to interact with them in order to “practice English.” (Seriously, the app had a red button labeled “practice English.” Pretty straightforward, right?)
After the positive reactions of their first customers, Shariff and Law decided to go all in by refining the app and hiring qualified tutors to join their project. They went on to launch the Cambly app in 2013, and from the very start, they knew exactly what the focus of their operations would be.
“The world has kind of decided that English is the language of international business and trade,” Shariff told Forbes in 2022. “If you think about you or me learning Spanish or French, it doesn’t have the same economic unlock that English does.”
Thanks to the relentless drive of Shariff and Law—and the support of investors—Cambly has diversified its language teaching services. While the premise remains simple across all options (a native English speaker engages in meaningful conversations with a learner), Cambly presently offers classes that explore the various contexts of the English language.
To be specific, Cambly provides one-on-one tutorials in the following:
- Conversational English
- English for travel
- Business English
- Academic English
- English for software developers
In addition, Cambly offers highly specialized language courses that focus on multimedia, the internet age, and even parenting.
This edtech platform has been going at it for a decade now, and there’s no indication it will be stopping any time soon. In fact, at this very moment, Cambly is ready to welcome new language tutors into the fold. It could be you showing up on the app in the near future!
What can you expect from this job?
Here’s something all Cambly applicants should take note of: The company doesn’t require them to have a bachelor’s degree in education or English. Neither does it require a teaching certificate or even prior experience in the classroom. However, you do need to be proficient in the English language as learners from all over the world will be counting on you to develop their communication skills. (Of course, if you do possess any of the aforementioned credentials, that’s a plus for you!)
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When we say “all over the world,” we mean it! After 10 years of global expansion and technological innovation, Cambly has extended its reach to virtually everywhere on the planet. Therefore, respect and appreciation for other cultures would be highly desirable qualities for you to have as a Cambly tutor.
What about time zones and working hours? No need to worry about either of those! Wherever you are in the world, there will be numerous learners to accommodate. You’ll be free to set your Cambly schedule in any way that you please. There are no minimum hours you have to commit to, so you can freely choose how often you’ll be teaching.
For every minute you spend working on the main Cambly platform, you’ll make $0.17, which amounts to $10.20 per hour. If you lend your skills to the special Cambly Kids service, you’ll be paid $0.20 per minute (or $12 hourly). Payments are made every Monday through PayPal.
Ready to join the Cambly team? By clicking here, you can get your application rolling and move one step closer to the next big adventure of your teaching career!