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Great at English? Check Out This Opportunity to Make up to $55,000 Yearly From Home

If bad grammar makes you [sic], this is the job for you.

office table with glasses, papers with marker and coffee cupr

Do you cringe at a misplaced apostrophe? Do you wish you could do something about that poor dangling modifier? Do you feel secondhand embarrassment when you see someone mixing up their homophones, homonyms, and homographs? 

If you found yourself nodding along and rolling your eyes, this job might be right up your alley. 

LTD Commodities, a major home and garden decor brand, is searching for a few expert proofreaders to join its team. It wants enthusiastic self-starters who are committed to accuracy and looking for opportunities for career growth. 

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If you are hired, some of your job responsibilities will include proofreading all digital and print content; guaranteeing the integrity and accuracy of ads and files; verifying that all elements of advertisements, ad change requests, and all other content have been utilized properly; sticking to deadlines as a member of a diverse and creative team; and collaborating with Quality Assurance.

LTD Commodities offers a flexible and fun work environment, a competitive salary, attractive employee discounts, flexible leave, a comprehensive and generous benefits package, and matching 401(k) plans. It will even throw in your birthday as a paid holiday because why not?

The company is looking for someone who:

  • Can spot spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes with unbeatable accuracy
  • Has an undergraduate degree in English (or any related major, such as journalism, communications, or linguistics)
  • Has a year or two of proofreading experience under their belt (bonus points if you have experience in proofreading marketing materials)
  • Is a great writer in addition to being a great editor/proofreader 
  • Has experience with data management systems (preferred but by no means required)
  • Can commit to a quick turnaround on assignments
  • Is comfortable working with a dynamic team

If you are the type who knows the difference between a cat and a comma is that a cat has paws at the end of its claws and a comma is a pause at the end of a clause, you are exactly the person LTD Commodities wants to hire. Check out its user-friendly application portal here.

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