
How Much Does It Cost to Propose at a Major League Baseball Game?

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Imagine you’re sitting in a boisterous crowd, rooting for your  team. You’re clutching a bag of hot boiled peanuts in one hand, the other holding the hand of the person who is about to become your fiancé(e).

Your faces flash on the screen of the jumbotron. Your jaw drops. You feel like you’ve just hit a home run. Everyone in the stadium is watching to see what happens next. You abandon the peanuts and kiss your partner. The crowd goes wild. 

If you’re at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, then your partner has just paid $2,500 for the privilege of popping the question. It’s become increasingly popular to propose at a Major League Baseball game, but some proposals could be more costly than others. Five stadiums don’t allow proposals at all! 

Check out this infographic from Swimmingly for a breakdown of the prices.

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