If you’re barely making ends meet with your 9-to-5 job, don’t despair. There are many ways to make money on the side.
One safe way to earn some extra cash is through an app called Shiftsmart.
About Shiftsmart
Shifstmart is an online marketplace connecting shift workers with employers, locally or remotely. It can be only a one-time gig or turn into a long-lasting job opportunity.
The best part about Shiftsmart is that once you sign in, you can start earning in as little as a week. The app has become the only source of income for many members since it pays faster than a regular job.
There are over 250,000 people using the app, and the number is growing by the day. However, there is a restriction as to who can join the community. You can sign up from anywhere in the U.S., but some jobs have location restrictions (which is the case with on-site jobs).
As of now, Shiftsmart works with nonprofit organizations from the following cities and areas:
- New Orleans
- Washington, D.C. (metro area)
- Texas (Austin, Angelina County, Houston, El Paso, North Texas, Rio Grande Valley, and San Antonio)
- Central and northwest Arkansas
If you are based in one of these locations and like what you see, hurry up and join today.
You can download the Shiftsmart Partner app from the Apple Store and Google Play Store.
What are the job opportunities?
Shiftsmart offers a lot of flexible job opportunities. You can do anything, from customer service and outbound survey calls to tech product testing, retail auditing, and working as a store associate.
Before the pandemic, jobs included one-time shifts for large events and mystery shopping at retail stores, but right now, there are long-term gigs at virtual call centers, local food banks, food pantries, and more.
Getting started
The sign-up process is pretty straightforward. Once you download the app, you submit your job application. Then comes the onboarding process, and you can choose your shifts, make your own schedule, and start earning.
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More ways to make money:
FlexJobs – Find remote and flexible jobs in over 50 career fields from all over the world.
Swagbucks – Earn free gifts and cash-back rebates by searching the web, playing games, watching videos, shopping, and more.
Writers Work – Find freelance writing jobs and publish your articles, all while working from home.
Public.com – Get free stock just for signing up for this investment app.
With Shiftsmart, you don’t have to wait weeks and months to get paid. Once you are done with your shift, you need to wait for Smartshift to approve payment (within 24-72 hours), upon which you get paid within five days. You can immediately withdraw any amount or wait a few days for a direct deposit.
The app is free to use, meaning you won’t have to pay monthly subscriptions or get charged transaction fees. However, if you opt for Instant Pay, expect a $3 fee.
Here is what you need to be able to sign up and start earning:
- Eligible to work in the U.S.
- 18 years or older
- Fluent in English
- Access to a smartphone
- Access to a Mac or Windows computer with a strong internet connection (remote jobs only)
- Adherence to reliability standards specific to your role and/or project.
With Shiftsmart, you don’t have to do the same job every day or work at the same time. The best thing about the app is the freedom you get to choose the job you want and set your own schedule. You can even work from home. The app is perfect for new moms, retirees, students, and anyone looking to make extra money.