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Are You an Avid Gamer with People Skills? Then Apply for This Job Right Now

Fact: Gaming brings people together.

side view of a gaming keyboard

When you think about it, video games are an amazing way to bring together hundreds—no, thousands—of like-minded individuals. Thanks to gaming, countless friendships have been forged through teams, clubs, and communities across the online realm. (Competitive frenemies do count, right?)

If you’re an avid gamer, you need to realize the significance of this social aspect. Specifically, you can get paid to facilitate interactions among fellow video game lovers!

Don’t believe us? Ask the fine folks at Worlds.

This gaming software company is looking for a community manager. If you love bringing people together and stoking the fire of their passion, this remote position is for you!

More on Worlds

Worlds was launched in 2022 by Evan Hatch, who holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, politics, and economics from the University of Pennsylvania. (Let that sink in for a moment.)

Even before getting Worlds off the ground, Hatch had already amassed quite the resume. After a product marketing internship at Google, he served as a full-time analyst for Insight Partners, a private equity firm based in New York. Then, in the late 2010s, he became an investor in companies that were based in the Big Apple and the Bay Area. 

Clearly, Hatch understood the power of creative skills, both on individual and organizational levels. Thus, it should come as no surprise that his gaming company Worlds empowers inventive minds to come up with awe-inspiring realms.

Worlds actually has a claim to fame within the gaming world. The brain trust that Hatch brought on board is the very team that contributed heavily to the Unreal Engine 5. As gaming and tech enthusiasts know, the Unreal Engine 5 is a highly sophisticated 3D tool that enables users to create intricate virtual environments. (Seriously, go check out sample outputs crafted with the use of this tool. You’ll immediately say that these images and models are—what else?—unreal!)

With the cutting-edge technology of the Unreal Engine 5 and close to $8 million in venture capital funding, Worlds is poised to carve a sizable niche in the gaming universe. However, its software and capital will hardly be maximized if the company doesn’t tap brilliant individuals to lead the way.

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Are you up to the challenge of taking Worlds to the next level? You can do just that by securing the remote job of community manager.

What responsibilities come with this job?

Here are some of the tasks you’ll be assigned in this position:

  • Help the company—specifically, the marketing and management teams—to generate strategies for community expansion.
  • Ensure that Worlds will have a strong presence on Discord. (Yes, that Discord!)
  • Come up with creative content (such as live streams and events) that will attract huge numbers of gaming enthusiasts.
  • Keep tabs on community feedback and use it to refine the company’s product.

Worlds offers a competitive pay rate for this job, along with the opportunity to pursue senior leadership roles. Plus, you get to enjoy perks such as flexible hours and an equity package!

Now is your chance to merge your people skills and gaming passion into one profitable blend. To apply for the community manager position at Worlds, click here!

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