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What’s Gotten Cheaper over the Past 20 Years?

A staple of the American living room has dropped how much?

Prices going down

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It’s clear that prices in the United States are skyrocketing. To the average person, it feels like consumer goods and services will just keep getting more expensive while wages stagnate. College tuition, for instance, is almost 200% more expensive than it was 20 years ago, and that’s before accounting for textbooks and fees!

However, while Americans are scratching their heads over how to afford medical care or send their kids to college, they might also be surprised to learn that a number of items are remarkably more affordable than they’ve ever been. As technology advances by leaps and bounds, the prices of items once reserved only for the wealthy are plummeting. The infographic below uses data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to break down the changes.

Different US states wealth levels

What Does It Take to Be In the Top 1% of Earners in Each U.S. State?

The one percent in New York City is some of the richest people in the world

What Does It Take to Be in the Top 1% of Earners in New York?